@INPROCEEDINGS{NarvaezArocheDSCC2018, author={Octavio Narvaez-Aroche and Pierre-Jean Meyer and Murat Arcak and Andrew Packard}, booktitle={Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC)}, title={Reachability Analysis for Robustness Evaluation of the Sit-to-Stand Movement for Powered Lower Limb Orthoses}, year={2018}, volume={V001T07A006}, number={51890}, pages={}, keywords={}, doi={10.1115/DSCC2018-9066}, ISSN={}, month={October}, note={Volume 1: Advances in Control Design Methods; Advances in Nonlinear Control; Advances in Robotics; Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics; Automotive Dynamics and Emerging Powertrain Technologies; Automotive Systems; Bio Engineering Applications; Bio-Mechatronics and Physical Human Robot Interaction; Biomedical and Neural Systems; Biomedical and Neural Systems Modeling, Diagnostics, and Healthcare},}